I watched as this little man's mom labored for hours upon hours. I watched as his whole family waited all through the night for his arrival. I saw the hugs and tears and relief and love that filled the room when his family all knew he had arrived safely. It was special beyond what I am able to describe in words.
I couldn't wait to get my hands on this baby and snuggle him and photograph him! I only had to wait 10 days!
And here he is...the most perfect little 10 day old boy in the world...
And that love that surrounded him on that morning he arrived...it has only multiplied!
Hudson Pahl Coberly...future baseball player for sure! ;)
Or maybe basketball player?
I say BOTH!
I have a feeling his Mommy and Daddy will support him in whatever decision he makes.
I love watching new parents with their babies! Their awe and amazement at every little thing about them, their genuine love that there is no way they could hide just pours out. It is just the most awesome thing to see.
And Sweet Hudson did his parents proud as he worked the sleepy baby poses better than I could have dreamed.
So maybe Mommy and Daddy think he'll be a star athlete??? I think he's got a little super model in him. ;)
I'd say he has the perfect look. My camera sure thought so!
From his head to his toes...this little one is picture perfect!
Thank you Evan and Danielle for allowing me to spend a couple of hours photographing your most perfect little sweetie! I cannot wait to watch him grow and hopefully get him in front of my lens again to capture it for you!
Congratulations on your sweet little boy...he is truly perfect!