You know those children that are just, plain, good kids?
You know, the ones that you think, "I hope my child is like that when he is their age."
Ya, these are those kids.
And GORGEOUS to boot!
And talk about EASY!
This session was just FUN...not much work to get these gorgeous shots!
And because I love so many of the're getting to see lots and lots of them!
McKenzie is 12.
Yes, you read that right...12!
Okay, okay...she'll be 13 in a few short weeks, but this doesn't look like even a 13 year old to me!
I think many of her shots could pass for senior pictures!
What a beauty she is!
Happy Birthday, McKenzie!
And then there is Emily.
The perfect age of 5.
If it wasn't weird to grab her and squeeze her and kiss that beautiful face of hers I would have.
But since that would be totally weird because I just met her today, I restrained myself.
I said to her little brother at the end of the session, "are you going to let me take pictures of you again sometime?!" He quickly answered, "no." And Emily piped up, "YES!"
Anytime sweet girl...anytime!
Ethan...the baby.
I was warned that he may be a bit shy.
Well, what 4 year old boy likes his picture taken?!
Start a game of "hide and go seek" by the trees and this little one was shy no more!
He was running around and giggling.
And when I was taking pictures of his sisters, he just couldn't stand not being in the shots!
He was lying when he said he didn't want me to take his pictures again, he totally wants me to!
Okay, well I'll just tell myself that in hopes that I'll get to capture his handsomeness on my camera again some day!
And I'll leave you with these.
Because really, I can hardly stand how cute they are.
Candid, genuine expressions.
Sibling Love.
Thank you guys for being so unbelievably cooperative!
And thank your parents for being so gorgeous!