Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Addison - Durant Class of 2025 - Quad Cities Senior Portrait Photographer

This session was so much fun and the weather was so perfect!  I have known Addison's mom and grandparents for whole life, really.  So it was just so fun reminiscing and chatting as we walked around.  And Addison is drop dead gorgeous as you can see, so that always makes a session fun!  There were a couple of questionable moments where I thought we might have to end the session because she was soaking wet from falling into the stream, but she apparently has impeccable balance and a drive to do what it takes to get the shot! Ha.

Check out some sneaks of Addison below...

I loved photographing you so much, Addison!  I wish you the best as you complete your senior year and start the next chapter of your life.  And I can't wait for you to see all of your pictures!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Huskey Family - Quad Cities Family Photographer

This awesome family was so fun!  I knew there were 2 teenage boys in the family so I was prepared for a challenging session and annoyed teenagers wanting to get it over with, but it was nothing like that!  They cooperated so well and made my job so easy.  And just look at how beautiful their family is!  It was a perfect day with a break from the heat we had been having which made the fact that we had to reschedule this from a previous day that ended up being rainy feel like it was meant to be!

Check out their sneaks below...

Thanks for being so great to have in front of my lens.  I can't wait for you to see your whole gallery!