I won't soon forget this session! First of all, I've been photographing Kaleb for about 10 years, so it was SO FUN and special to get to do his engagement session! Second of all, I broke my ankle during this session. It was.....embarrassing, and painful! I think I had some adrenaline going because I didn't realize it was broken and they changed outfits and I took a couple hundred more pictures before the session ended and I realized I needed to drive directly to the emergency room! Ugh. It was not a fun night! I LOVED this session though...up until the broken ankle part. Ha! And these two just are the cutest and so clearly love each other so much!
Check out Kaleb and Melissa's sneaks below!
Thank you two for being so kind and understanding about my embarrassing ankle situation! Also, SO EXCITED and happy for the both of you as you enter this next chapter of your life! I loved hanging out with you two and am so excited for you to see all of your pictures!