Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Helaina - PVHS Class of 2025 - Quad Cities Senior Portrait Photographer

I cannot even with this girl!  It was so  hard to limit my shares to even what is in this post.  I'm actually kind of sad about her session. I hope I get to have her in front of my lens again at some point! I have had so much fun over the years photographing her.  I know this is random, and I've never shared this with her mom, but I remember the first session I did with her family.  It was at Vanderveer Park and they pulled Helaina out of school for the session...and for some reason I vividly remember that it was on a day that her class was having an ice cream party of some sort.  I THINK she was probably in about 1st grade.  I remember feeling so much pressure not only to nail their session because she missed something so fun to be there and also make sure that it was fun for her. I never would have guessed on that day that all these years later, I'd be photographing her Senior Portraits!

Check out all of her sneaks below...

Helaina!!!  You've always been one of my favorite people to photograph.  I'm so grateful for all the times you've stood in front of my lens and it's been so fun watching you grow.  Your whole life is ahead of you and I have no doubt that you will achieve all of your dreams.  So excited for you as you enter the next chapter in your life, but don't wish away the rest of this year...enjoy every last second!

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